Taking the first step to find a therapist can be daunting.


Finding someone you can trust enough to be vulnerable with can seem impossible.

To ease some of this uncertainty, let me introduce myself and my practice.

blank journal next to a candle
Celia Morgan in front of her counseling office in South Carolina

Hi, I’m Celia Morgan

I believe that you are the expert in your life, and therefore, my job is to guide you on your journey to self-discovery and growth.

This means that you get to be your full self in a judgment-free zone and fully explore all the different parts of you. With my expertise in evidence-based practices, I can help you take steps forward to reach your goals.

Who I am

  • Eager to help you recognize your strength and reach your full potential 

  • Hopeful about your growth 

  • Experienced with treating a wide variety of mental health issues 

  • Steadfast in staying up to date with best practices and treatments

Who you are

  • Curious about therapy and willing to give it a try or fully committed to the process and ready for change 

  • Willing to try new strategies and receive constructive feedback

  • Ready to take accountability and make lasting change  

My Story

Helping others has always been my nature. After working as an In-Home Therapist with children and families who were of the highest risk, I realized that my niche was helping those who have suffered from trauma. With my training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I started helping a broad range of people who have endured trauma in a constructive and evidenced-based way. 

My Clients say…

  • I help them stay centered on their problems to achieve realistic goals. 

  • They feel comfortable sharing parts of their lives that they have not shared with anyone else. 

  • They have gained greater confidence in themselves to work through and overcome challenges. 

Ready to get started?