Counseling for adults and children

in Mt Pleasant, South Carolina

Woman holding flowers

Life is full of obstacles and transitions, and sometimes it just feels like too much.

Maybe it’s a relationship, your job, a new move, or all of the above. Navigating these challenges can feel isolating, never-ending, and often defeating, but you do not have to endure these challenges on your own. 


Here’s how I can help

I believe that my clients already have the strengths that will help them through whatever difficulty they are facing. As I learn about my clients, I help them recognize and utilize their unique strengths and abilities to navigate a variety of issues including:

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Relationship problems


My Style is…

First and foremost, to learn all about you. What makes you, you?

I believe you are the expert in your life, and that means you should also be in charge of your therapeutic experience. 

Celia Morgan therapist in South Carolina park
  • Hands holding a book about trauma therapy

    Healing from trauma

    Trauma is not natural, and not meant to be dealt with alone. Maybe you ask yourself if what you went through was even trauma. Guess what? You get to decide whether or not something you went through (or are going through) is traumatic. Though the trauma you endured does not go away, you get to choose how you move forward and heal.

  • Young person holding flowers up over face


    Life is filled with anxieties. Some anxiety is helpful in that it keeps you motivated and determined. What is not helpful is when it starts to interfere with activities that you once enjoyed or that will help you grow. Instead of succumbing to your anxiety, you can learn how to live without letting fear control your mind and behavior.

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    Depression can feel draining and never-ending. Maybe your depression is the result of trauma or general existential crises. Fortunately, you get to control your narrative. Even if that means rewriting the one that was handed to you.

  •  Couples hands reaching for each other

    Relationship Issues

    Frustrated with your partner? Or exhausted by the repeated behaviors of a family member or friend? Relationship issues are complex and require hard work. Your needs and wants in your relationships are important, and you can take steps to make sure those needs are met.


Ready to get started?

woman crossing a suspension bridge